We are on a mission to initiate a nationwide conversation that creates awareness around the current state of doctor-patient relationship.
Dear People is not merely a book. It is a movement which has been started under the aegis of Debabrata Auro Foundation by its founders Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker & Dr. Debraj Shome, in order to heal the relationship between different segments of society.
The first book in this series is published by the renowned publisher- Bloomsbury and is written by some of the most renowned & most empathetic doctors globally.
The authors of this book are from diverse backgrounds & countries, including India, the United Kingdom, the United States, South America, Europe and others. They have pledged to use the proceeds from the book to perform subsidised surgeries for 101 patients throughout India, in 2019-20.
Over the years the trust between doctor and a patient has transformed into doubts, respect into questions and care into greed. Yet, one cannot exist without the other, therefore it is important to find a solution.
If we point out that people are dying, then we also need to highlight that people are being saved too!
Every right of patients is the responsibility of the doctors. And every right of doctors, in turn, is the responsibility of the patients. Therefore, presenting a new Patient – Doctor Rights Charter!
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